MEMS Probe Systems
MEMS device probing requirements continue to evolve to include multiple technologies in one device – DC, HF, Optical, microfluidic and more. They often need to be tested at temperature (hot and cold) and under vacuum. Static and dynamic analysis and visualization are critical parts of the test and development process for MEMS microstructures to characterize surface metrology and measure in and out of plane motions. The PS4L Adaptive Architecture is ideal for configuring a system to perform tests to very specialized requirements of the MEMS customer. Often that means integrating a variety of instrumentation to the probe system – thermal chucks, parametric analyzers, vector network analyzers, motion analyzers, blackbodies, IR thermometers and more. MEMS customers often require their devices to be tested under vacuum. SemiProbe provides a family of manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic probers to address testing under vacuum – DC, HF, optical and temperature. SemiProbe has probing solutions for Gyros, Accelerometers, Microbolometers, Sensors, Optical Mirrors, Switches, Microfluidics and more.